Updated August 14, 2018
Whittier High School Class of 1963
55th Reunion
I have just finished (August 12, 2018) 33-minute video of WHS Class of 1963 55th Reunion. There is a 4- minute trailer or preview of that video on our classes Facebook page. The full-length video has 5 parts or chapters:
1. Friday evening pizza party,
2. Saturday afternoon potluck at Palm Park Activities Center
3. 4-day cruise on the Carnival Imagination
4. Memory Book
5. Pictures from the 50th reunion that have not been published before.
I am sending out this video for a $10 donation to our WHS 63 Reunion Committee. This video is only for classmates.
If you are interested in getting this half-hour plus video, please send me a check for $10 made out to WHS 63 Reunion Committee by October 15, 2018, and I will send the video to the address on the check. I will then mail the checks to Anne Adams Goodwin who will deposit them into our WHS 63 Reunion Committee account. To get my address send me an email jchamilt@umich.edu
If you do not have a DVD player, or a computer that will play a DVD, this offer will be a waste of your time. You will not be able to print out anything from this DVD.
PS. 95+% of the people who attended our 55th reunion are on this video. The only reason that someone missed being on this video is we did not have enough photographers. The audio on this video is not the best due to all the background conversations picked up during the video.
*************************** End of August 14, 2018 update ******************
Here are the details and sign-up sheet for our 55th Class Reunion. Consider the events on this page. Please circle the event(s) on the next page that you plan to attend, and send a check made out to WHS 63 Reunion Committee and the completed next page to:
Anne Adams Goodwin
1776 Corte de las Piedras |
El Cajon, CA 92019
Some details about our 55th Reunion events and booking details:
Pizza Party Friday, February 23, 2018, at Shakey's Pizza Parlor, 9290 E. Whittier Blvd., Pico Rivera CA, 90660. This is just off the 605 freeway. The party will start at 6:30 PM and go to 10:00 PM. The cost is $10 per person, and you get all the pizza you can eat. Drinks and other food are extra.
Potluck at Palm Park Saturday, February 24, 2018, at Palm Park Activity Center, 5703 Palm Avenue, right across the entrance drive from the tennis courts. The potluck will start at 1 PM and end at 5 PM. The cost is $20 per person, and plates, utensils and cups / glasses, serving utensils and some drinks will be provided. Bring a dish to share on the buffet table.
The Carnival Cruise leaving from Long Beach on Sunday, February 25, 2018, and returning to Long Beach on Thursday, March 1, 2018, is an activity that you will book on your own through Carnival Cruise. Request first setting for dinner. You can call (800 327-9501) or book online (carnivalcruise.com) individually. If you want some small benefit by booking as a group, we need at least 8 bookings during a 2-week period. Let me know via email by November 27th (jchamilt@umich.edu) if you would like to book as a group and if the minimum number is met, I will set up a group number for us to book during a two-week period just after November 27, 2017.
In an effort to encourage classmates to pay in advance (by February 16, 2018), and to reduce the time needed to check people in, and have the necessary supplies available, payment less than one week in advance will cost $5 more. Therefore the Pizza Party will cost $15 per person at the door and the Palm Park Potluck will cost $25 at the door. It is still a great deal for any class reunion, but paying in advance will save everyone time and effort and money.
As always, if you have any questions or comments, please email me at jchamilt@umich.edu
Please fill out and return the following page with your check.
Your Reunion Committee
Whittier High School Class of 1963 55th Reunion Sign Up Sheet
Please fill out this page and return with you check made out to WHS 63 Reunion Committee and sent to Anne Adams Goodwin at the address below.
Classmate's Name _________________________
Guest’s Name _____________________________
Best way to contact you: (phone, email or address)
Phone _____________________________________
Email _____________________________________
Address _____________________________________
Please Circle Each Event You Plan on Attending and Include a Check for the Number Attending We hope you can attend them all
Pizza Party Friday, February 23, 2018, at Shakey's Pizza Parlor $10 per person
The cost at the door will be $15 per person to encourage early sign up by February 16, 2018
Potluck at Palm Park, Saturday, February 24, 2018, at Palm Park Activity Center $20 per person
The cost at the door will be $25 per person to encourage early sign up by February 16, 2018.
Carnival Cruise, Sunday, February 25, 2018, to March 1, 2018. Circle this paragraph if going, but sign up on your own, or we can get a small benefit by signing up as a group. If I am contacted by seven classmates by November 27, 2017, I will get a group number and we can sign up as a group.
Please send this page plus a check made out to WHS 63 Reunion Committee by February 16, 2018, to: Anne Adams Goodwin 1776 Corte de las Piedras |
El Cajon, CA 92019
Update on Our WHS Class of 1963 55th Reunion, Especially the Carnival Cruise
Just as a reminder our 55th Reunion has 3 separate activities on Friday, February 23, Saturday, February 24 and Sunday through Thursday, February 25 through March 1, 2018. You are encouraged to attend any or all of these events. They are all a la carte. You pay for only those events you attend.
The events are:
1)The pizza party at a pizza parlor very near Whittier ($10 per person Friday, February 23rd, 2018)
2)The potluck at Palm Park ($20 pp Saturday, February 24th, 2018 1 to 5 PM)
3)Carnival Cruise February 25th through Thursday, March 1st, 2018 (details below).
Also, I have reserved a block of rooms for out of town classmates at the Whittier Doubletree Hilton, the old Whittier Radisson, at a rate of $139 plus tax. This block is held until 1/13/2018 or until they inform me that they can confirm the use of these rooms immediately. Then we have 72 hours to book these rooms.
Doubletree phone (562) 945-8511 use room block name: “Whittier High Class of 1963 55th Reunion”
Here is the information I have gotten from Carnival Cruise Lines concerning the cruise portion of our 55th WHS Class of 1963 55th Reunion.
The ship we will be sailing on is called Carnival Imagination and can hold over 2000 people. It leaves on Sunday, February 25th, 2018, at 5 PM from Long Beach. You can board as early as 1 PM. We will visit Catalina Island, Ensenada, Mexico and return to Long Beach at 7 AM Thursday, March 1st, 2018. There are two ways to book this cruise.
On June 21, 2017, I spoke with Carnival group sales and the group rate for interior cabins is $214 per person double occupancy and tax of $88.94 pp. For ocean view cabins the rate is $259 pp with the same 88.94 tax pp. These reservations will require a $150 booking deposit with the total remaining balance due by December 27th, 2017. These rates cover all food, accommodations, shows, and activities. To get a group benefit we need to book 8 rooms during a 14-day period. I am ready to book, but I want to book my room during a 14-day period when 7 other rooms will be booked to get the small benefit. Each of you will make reservations by phone (1-800-764-7419 extension 70232) after I send out the group booking number and hear from classmates that 7 additional rooms are ready to be booked.
So, let me know by return email (jchamilt@umich.edu) when you would be ready to book. When I know there are 7 rooms to be booked, I will make my reservation to start off the 14-day period and pass on the group booking number that we need to use to get a group benefit. When the next 8 rooms are booked there will again be a benefit for that group.
No group benefit is available online. You can still book online, go to a travel agent or call Carnival Cruise to book a room, but with no group benefit. Also, I was told that only a certain number of rooms are available for group booking.
I found it difficult to get the right date for this cruise online when I investigated booking online. I do not know why.
When I investigated booking online I was given an opportunity to add in the gratuity of a little over $100 per room. I guess we will be hit up for this later?
If you have any questions or comments, please let me know by email.
P.S. Please let any classmates know about this if they do not know about or use our website (whscardinals1963.com) or our classes’ Facebook page.
Posted March 27, 2017 **************************
Your 2018 Whittier High School 55th Class Reunion -- Save the Dates
Dear Classmates,
Yes, our 50th reunion was great. If you don't believe me go to our website (whscardinals1963.com) and take a look at over 75 pictures of your classmates having fun. But everything we do can be improved.
February 2018 Our Next Reunion
Highlights of your WHS Class of 1963 55th reunion are:
1. Each of the three events is a la carte. You pay only for what you attend
2. Two of the three events are currently estimated to be $10 to $20
3. We are scheduling our reunion on February 23rd, 24th, and 25th to March 1st, 2018. This will give those classmates who are coming from colder climates a chance to enjoy the warmer Southern California weather.
4. Fun starts on Friday night with a pizza party at a pizza restaurant in or near Whittier. Cost estimate is $10 per person and all the pizza you can eat. Drinks are extra.
5. Saturday afternoon we will have a potluck at Palm Park in the "Palm Room with kitchenette and patio." This will run from about 1 PM to 5 PM and estimated cost is $20 per person which will cover the rental and insurance of the room, kitchen and patio, plus utensils and plates and incidentals. Those classmates, like me, who are coming from out of town will just get some takeout food from a local restaurant. We will supply serving spoons for those take out dishes.
6. Sunday we leave on a 4-day Carnival cruise from Long Beach going to Catalina, Ensenada and back to Long Beach on Thursday.
I will send out more info on the cruise since there are many options as to rooms and other items that I will try to explain in another email and a post on our class Facebook web page.
Just save the dates that you want: Friday February 23; Saturday February 24; Sunday to Thursday, February 25 to March 1, 2018.
As always please let me know your questions and concerns. I do enjoy communicating with my classmates.
PS If you feel the need to talk with me, it might be easier if you could give me some times that I could call you since I am often on the tennis court or otherwise not available.
PSS This is being placed on our website (whscardinals1963), sent by email and placed on our classes' Facebook page. Let me know if you see this so we know not to send it by US Mail.